Advocating for strong local action

The Port Phillip Emergency Climate Action Network is an alliance of local environmental groups who aim to create and sustain a strong climate action movement in Port Phillip to address the climate crisis.

Port Phillip’s bayside location makes it especially prone to the impacts of this climate emergency. Its citizens are also amongst Australia’s most progressive when it comes to recognising the climate crisis and issues of environmental sustainability.

Donate to PECAN’s election printing fund

Help print PECAN’s election brochure! This election, PECAN aims to elect a climate-friendly Council by printing and distributing our election brochure!

Join the PECAN mailing list

PECAN members can stay informed with our monthly newsletter.
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Read our newsletters

Check out our previous newsletters.

The climate emergency demands local action

PECAN encourages the City of Port Phillip to take strong immediate action to tackle the climate emergency. Our plan sets out actions necessary to mitigate our local impact on the environment, and to transition the City of Port Phillip to be an exemplar of  local government and community climate emergency action.

PECAN’s Meet the Candidates Event

4pm-6pm, 4 August 2024
PECAN invites you to join us for this exclusive Meet the Candidates event to meet climate-friendly candidates, including independent, Labor and Greens candidates!

Sunday Forums #4: Local Climate Action Now!

2:30pm, 25 August 2024
Many local homes and businesses are highly vulnerable to climate change, especially due to rising sea levels. Urgent action needs to be a priority for the next Council.

Urban Heat or Cool Green: Port Phillip Urban Forest forum

6:30pm, 19 March 2024
Dive into the science and practical considerations for Port Phillip’s draft Urban Forest Strategy, and how we might reach 30% canopy cover by 2040, as set by other cities.

Progressive Port Phillip 2024 Campaign Launch

6:00pm, 26 March 2024
Join Progressive Port Phillip ahead of the 2024 Council Election Campaign with the launch of a Policy Platform to unite candidates for progressive change in October.

Human sign on St Kilda beach spelling out 'CLIMATE CHANGE OUR FUTURE IS IN YOUR HANDS'

Meet the PECAN network