Water Management and Flood Mitigation
PECAN recommends that Council improves water recycling, stormwater harvesting, installation of rainwater water gardens, rainwater tanks, depaving, and increasing water permeability, including:
- Updating the Water Sensitive City policy to include a catchment-based water management plan by 2021 (harvest, divert, reuse and forestall stormwater to reduce run-off, contamination, water use, and flood risk across the municipality)
- Ensuring all open spaces maximise use of stormwater catchments to meet public spaces water demand.
- Progressive increases in permeability across the municipality, with annual targets to be setÂ
- 70% reduction in council’s mains water use by 2030 compared to 2000 (e.g. through water harvesting in Elsternwick Park and Alma Park, etc).
- 50% reduction in nitrogen runoff into waterways by 2030 .Â
- Harvesting and reuse of 80ML of stormwater annually (e.g. Alma Park, Elsternwick Park).